Many of you will have read that under the planned rules of the new lockdown being set out by Government all sporting facilities have to close for the duration. British Rowing has confirmed, as much as it currently can, that it is highly likely that all rowing clubs will have to close again with effect from midnight on Wednesday 04 November in line with Government restrictions.
This is of course very disappointing but the infection rate has been rising rapidly and recently we have seen cases arising within our own membership. We have to play our part in trying to bring the infection rate down.
It is currently unclear as to what the Environment Agency will do with regard to restrictions to their waterways (our river) but if any member wishes to remove personal items from the club after it has closed Steve Casey is available to give access and he can be contacted by email . Should the Environment Agency allow access to their waterways we will once again publish a statement on the use of private boats on the River Nene.
The Club Panel will continue to meet regularly to review matters and we intend to re-open the club on 02 December or as soon as we are permitted to do so. During the period of closure we intend to continue working to be in a position to open the gym as soon as we are able to do so safely. As you are aware upgrading the ventilation is a key element in this but also a big expense. To help offset this cost we have made an application under a new Sport England grant scheme designed to help clubs deal with the problems thrown up by Covid 19. We are currently awaiting a decision on this application which, if successful, will reduce the cost to the club very significantly.
I will keep in touch with you as and when there is any particular news about the club.
Keep training as best you can and stay safe.
John Canton
04 November 2020