First Club Head races for 2018 announced



Now that we are back into winter training, the monthly Club Head races will resume with racing from the House to the Key Theatre on a Saturday morning.

The dates for the first two are:

29 September 2018

27 October 2018

The Head race starts at 9:30 at the House so please ensure you have boated from the club by 8:45 at the latest allowing yourself enough time to get to the start and marshall in the race running order – for those who haven’t done one before there will be plenty of people about to provide guidance.

As always these races require a small army of volunteers to run them so please consider offering your help – speak to Pete Forrest if you can help out in any way – including cooking bacon sandwiches for the end of the race!

Watch out for the ‘sign up’ sheets to appear on the notice board.