Nottingham Autumn Head 2023

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By Emilia Bramwell 

It was once again a splendid Sunday for Peterborough City Rowing Club after a number of rowers raced down a 1900m course or a 4100m course on the river Trent in Nottingham. City rowers gained a total of 5 wins over the weekend and a grand total of 4 second places as they battled through the cold conditions on the river. 

In Division 2 across the long-distance course of 4100m, City rowers shone with 4 crews each gaining a win. Josh Seagrave, Tom Calver, Kristian Woolf and Chris Elder excelled in their Open band 2 four where they achieved an impressive time of 10.52.5. City rowers, James Garfield and James Ryder stood out and destroyed their competition in their open J18 double with a time of 11.44.6.  City Juniors, Emma Dennis and Emma Calver, dominated the Women’s J17 doubles with a total time of 12.01.3. Finally, the last City crew that won over the long course, was Kate Read and Linda Dennis who raced in the Women’s Masters C doubles and gained a total time of 12.03.8 as they rapidly raced down the 4100m course. 

Peterborough City Rowing Club also accomplished 3 second places in the division 2 long course on Sunday. Keely Watson, Gina Gould, Claire Widdowson and Bianca Manganiello competed in the Womens band 1 quad where they attained a time of 12.05.1. Ewan Stanley and Matt Baker competed in the Open J16 double where they were only one second off first place in a tight race with their time being 12.08.7. Finally, City Rowers, Sophie Bicknell joined with Lottie Tasker challenged their competitors in the Women’s J18 doubles with a superb time of 12.41.6 

A number of City Juniors also raced down the Division 2 short course which was 1900m long. There was one winner, Billy Hynes, who shone above his competition in the Open J15 singles, who achieved an outstanding time of 5.47. 

Also racing down, the Division 2 short course, one City crew gained second place where they only lost out on first by a mere 2 seconds. This city crew was competing in the Open J15 quad and consisted of Roland Christopher, Lewis Barber, George Dennis, Leo Esposito and cox Jack Bosma who all managed to drive their quad down the 1900m course to gain a marvelous time of 5.17.2