It’s that time of year again folks when we all need to pitch in to make Peterborough Regatta a success.
Help is needed on the Friday to set up the club for the regatta – please turn up as many hands make light work and there is a lot to do including putting up the marquees etc.
Saturday and Sunday
Help on the Saturday and Sunday is needed to keep the Regatta running smoothly and make it a success. There are two rotas on the notice board, one for the bar and one for the cake stall – please sign up for shifts as we need as many people as possible. We also need cake…lots of cake…you can never have enough cake….Please bake (or buy) a cake because the cake stall is extremely popular and we don’t want to disappoint! Cakes can be dropped off at the cake stall throughout the weekend. John Canton will also be looking for volunteers for other jobs including the daily commentating on races so please don’t run away if you see him heading in your direction with a clipboard!
What goes up must also come down so please hang about on Sunday as the club has to be cleared up and the marquees taken down – again the more the merrier – and the bar will be open for a little light refreshment after the clearing up is done.
Thanks in advance for all of your help.