The eagle eyed amongst you will have seen some real progress with the new extension over the last few weeks – we have windows (really nice windows), doors, the scaffolding has come down and all of this points towards the fact that we are making some real progress now. In fact, I am delighted to tell you that Phase 1 is now complete!
What was Phase 1?
It’s been a long journey getting to where we are now and some of you will have no real idea what is happening, how long it will take…or indeed what happens next. So here it is in a nutshell.
Phase 1 of the work has been in the planning for a number of years, delayed because of Covid and then, after awarding the project to the Contractor, it was delayed again because of misinformation given by Openreach who stated there was a fibre optic cable going underneath the new extension – which there wasn’t – but it took six months to resolve!! The Club is very grateful to John Canton who, with Nick Hubble, largely managed this first phase.
The initial build which brought us to where we are now with a new extension which is essentially usable (sort of). I say ‘sort of’ because it is currently an empty shell, doesn’t have electric, or plastered walls etc because that all happens in Phase 2. What many of you also won’t know is that we are also having a new kitchen. Phase 1 work included the building of a space at the back of the current kitchen which is also currently an empty shell but as part of the Phase 2 work it will be fitted out to provide a much bigger kitchen space for use by members.
Phase 2 – the grand plan
What happens next is the big question – and one which many members have asked me over the last few weeks.
The first thing that will happen is that the work will take place to complete the landscaping around the new extension so that it looks more appealing but more importantly so that the ground is level, and the new extension becomes accessible from the outside. The aim is to complete this work by the end of May so that the space is usable for the Spring regatta – although it still won’t have electric etc.
The big piece of work which we are calling Phase 2 is the fit out of the entire space. This includes:
Obviously, it isn’t this simple, but I am just trying to give you an idea of what happens next.
This will all take time, so I am afraid it won’t be completely finished by either the June or August regatta…. but good things are worth waiting for. We also have the opportunity to apply for a £100k grant for the fit-out work which is too good an opportunity to miss. So, the next few weeks will be spent putting together quotes ready to submit our grant application and then we keep our fingers crossed. There is still a lot of work which can be done and from the Trustees side, Steve Casey and Al Ryder are doing a fabulous job project managing it every step of the way to ensure that work is carried out when we can, and grant applications are submitted. There are lots of other people involved in this project and I would like to say thank you to everyone – it’s great to see so many members of the club pulling together and sharing their skills to keep our grand plans on track. There is no guarantee we will be successful in securing the grant, but with the potential of £100k on offer we are going to give it our very best effort.
This is also a good opportunity to say thank you to all of you – there has been and will continue to be some disruption as we continue with the project so thank you for being patient – it will be worth it in the end when all of the work is complete.
When will it be finished…. properly finished?
This is a building project so timescales will fluctuate but I think we are realistically looking at early 2026 before we can cut the ribbon and declare the project completed. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use the spaces now. The extension has been built for us, the members so it is now our space to use when it is safe to do so. We have a little bit of tidying up to do but then we will unlock the doors and you are free to wander in and have a look or take a chair into the space if the club room is full. Every now and then it will have to be closed up again for the next work to take place but until then feel free to use it – it’s your space.
Got a question?
I have tried to keep this update brief…. which means there will be questions. We (the trustees) do recognise that we haven’t communicated very well about what is happening with the extension and I would like to change this so we will aim to bring you more regular updates. But if you have a question in the meantime then fire over an email or stop me in the club (I’m there most Saturday mornings) because it’s important that you all know what is happening – this new space does after all belong to you, our members.
Tracey Rushton-Thorpe
Chair, PCRC